While going grey may be a natural part of the ageing process, this doesn't make it easy to deal with! As you progress into your forties and fifties, you're going to see more strands of grey hair appearing from your roots, slowly replacing the blonde, brown, ginger or black that has formed a key part of your identity.
But this change doesn't mean that you can't feel confident when showing off your new grey locks. There are many ways in which you can style grey hair so that it still looks fabulous and makes you feel good too! Here is our advice on how to pull off grey hair.
Changing up your look completely is something that can help you to process this change in your life. If you're used to having long hair, it might come as a shock to have a shorter cut, but there are plenty of options which you are bound to fall in love with, including pixie cuts, wedges and bobs.
Your hair will not be as sleek and healthy as before, with grey hair usually being dryer and more susceptible to strands snapping off, so going short will help to thicken it, keeping it looking as vibrant as possible. As much as it's okay to grieve the loss of your longer hair, a new colour should indicate a new you, so going for a different style might be a great way to get out of your comfort zone and detract from the decolouration process.
And no, we don't mean that you should take the colour of your natural hair and cover up the greys. Instead, we think you should fully embrace your new natural shade by adding some light grey highlights. This will help to blend the division a little more, so the cut-off point where the grey starts and your old natural hair colour ends doesn't appear too extreme.
As previously mentioned, greying hair will be bristly and dry. It will also be more porous, so will absorb any impurities that it picks up from chemical-heavy hair products and environmental toxins like car fumes. You can use specialist products to moisturise dry hair, alongside using a scarf or headband to help keep your strands protected from any nasty toxins.
If you want any more advice on how to pull off grey hair, contact us today at Southside Hair and Beauty Design or book an appointment to have your newly grey hair styled at our Tamworth salon!